The COB focuses on subterranean construction on Dutch soil, but problems and solutions are more and more international. We therefore actively seek collaboration with international (European) partners to join forces and learn from each other. This page provides information on our organisation and the (mainly tunnel) research projects and activities that continue beyond the Dutch border.
The Centre for Underground Construction (COB) is a network organisation, a foundation with more than a hundred participants, all of whom are involved in underground construction and the use of underground space. The network consists of consulting engineers, construction companies, governments, and knowledge institutions. The COB initiates and supervises projects that contribute to solving shared underground problems and collects and provides access to knowledge about the underground use of space. The acquired knowledge is accessible to everyone through meetings, webinars, on the website, in publications and through other channels.
>> Download the discussion board with projects (jpg, 1 MB) or with the organization (jpg, 1 MB)
>> Download overview plate (pdf, 3 MB)
International tunnel activities
Currently, the COB is particularly active in the European tunnel community. In fact, the goal is to encourage all European tunnel owners to join the COB in sharing knowledge and combining experiences to tackle challenges efficiently.